Rhoe's Stuff

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Mammy Machine!

Yep...this is it ...the dreaded MAMMOGRAM machine!
For YEARS now my doctor's have "advised" me to get a mammogram...hearing horror stories I simply avoided listening to them....after all who wants their breasts smashed and taken a picture of?  I mean REALLY? So...to be perfectly honest...I whined...and refused...and whined some more...and was a CHICKEN
I wasn't afraid of the outcome...I have known several women who have had breast cancer and came through beautifully...and dignified....
I knew there was no history of breast cancer in my family....I simply HATE pain...I actually tolerate pain quite well...but I still don't WANT any!
So...my new doctor said the same thing all my other doctors have said, "you really need to get a mammogram".  So...I decided to buck up... put my fears aside (and there were many)...and just do it...
The nurse was very reassuring...as she was grabbing my boobies everywhere and pulling them into position...then she cranks down the machine....I am prepared for the pain...I take a deep breath...and before I can exhale it's over...."It's over?"  IT'S OVER!!! What the heck?!  Absolutely no pain...three more pictures...NO PAIN! Not even a tiny hint of pain...I have had my blood pressure checked and had worse pain!  I WHINED (and not just a little) for nothing!  I am ashamed...I leave laughing because to be perfectly honest...
Realizing this fact...I salute all the women out there who were brave and just did it...I hope and pray that this machine continues to do it's job and detect cancer the way it was designed so that breast cancer can be diminished...
and when I have to do it again I will do it with a smile on my face!

Post note:  Test good...I don't have to do it again for another year!  Yay!!!